So here I sit trying to find the words to express my joy and excitement of the new chapter of Paradise Wellness 1.1, heavy-hearted with everything that is going on in the world today, I gotta say it’s kinda hard, no let me correct that l very hard! First and
foremost I want to thank ALL the frontline workers from Doctors to Delivery persons and everyone in between, in this crazy time. You are keeping our world spinning and risking your lives trying to save others is heroic to say the least. There are not enough
words to express my gratitude for your fortitude.
I am going to look at this as a point in my life where I had the opportunity for “Post Traumatic Growth” a phrase coined by my dear friend, mentor,Soul Sister and co-founder She Recovers~ Taryn Strong. I want to share some of the goodness I have found in this
sad and bizarre twist in the world events that came from the darkness. I think it has been looming and silently growing in the midst of the daily hustle of life. It was not until the wheels started coming off the bus and (really has been for a long time)
with consumerism, exploiting people and Mother Earth. SHE (referring to Mother Earth) in her my humble opinion has sent us all to “ our Room” for a time out to think about what is REALLY important.
What is really important? Well if you asked me 2 months ago my list would have read something like this : being of service in person with Paradise Wellness, having my mani pedis monthly, travelling to see my family in the summer, getting to be of service in the
four annual She Recovers retreats here in Mexico, getting to my 12 step meetings here in Merida and of course going to the beach and eating tacos regularly. Today my list consists of having gratitude for a beautiful safe home, 4 Garaphons(20LTR bottles) of
water, fresh fruits and vegetables, the internet so I can stay connected to the ones I love, and staying sane with my online 12 step meetings, a rooftop to dance on under the stars at night when its cool and my HEALTH! Health my friends is the true wealth
today in my humble opinion. I will say humble a lot in this blog post because frankly this is a freakin humbling experience!!! I have taken the opportunity to look at this time as my Personal Retreat, complete with 90 min meditation every morning, followed
by 90 minutes of yoga connecting to my Guides then starting my day.This has been the greatest gift, going within, getting clarity on my Soul purpose and how I may best serve, not rushing off to do something, brushing my spiritual practice aside and not stepping
into service. I can easily distract myself as I have a lot on my plate as a woman trying to expand her business with the move to Merida from Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Well lets just say the Universe had a different plan and I was given hints that this pivot
deeper into my Soul purpose was coming long before it happened, subtle and butal hints in odd ways.
It started about 18 months ago, my Guides were very insistent that I start getting on-line options together to be of service, fear stopped me . Then with Sharlane passing away, she was my long time Soul Sister and we had been the best of friends since we were
18 in the 80’s. We have been through it all up, down, and all around. We got into Recovery in our 30s and we had fabulous lives and families, we never planned on her passing so quickly after a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. That was not in our plan, our
plan was for her and hubby Kelly to move here in a couple of years when they retired and Matthew would be off at University somewhere on a basketball scholarship…. that was “Our” plan. I can still hear her last words to me, “ I thought we had more time! Please
go home to Mexico and semi-retire, live your life DON’T WAIT” I feel that in my bones to this day and that has pretty much happened. I came home from Canada and did a tailspin of heartbreak and grief that took hold of me for a good part of 6 months. . I
thank my lucky stars I got to be with Sharlane, smudging sage and holding space while listening to the native drum playing as she transitioned to her Angel form. Many families are separated right now are not able to be with their loved ones as so many souls
are departing the planet. I dare say the numbers in this post because the numbers will be obsolete by this time tomorrow. If you have lost someone at this time, please know that my heart is breaking with you and for you.
Nothing could have prepared us for this.It is a “control alt delete” for the planet, a tragic screech to a halt grabbing our attention that was sadly necessary on some levels. In the dark cloud there is a silver lining, Mother Earth and Nature are getting room to
breathe for the first time in a long time. The air quality around the world is getting better. We are seeing blue sky in cities that have had grey smog for years. The water around the world is clearing up as a result of us not mucking it up. Families are at
home cooking meals together, making puzzles, and growing gardens because none of us is sure what is going to happen next. And that’s the thing we don’t know what is going to happen next.
I have had a lot of time to think about how I could be of service to my world community at this time. Here is the list that I have come up with.
First of all start daily positive posts on social media on my personal page as well as my Paradise Wellness page, I see alot of darkness and controversy online, so much it makes me dizzy. So I plan to shine some light, love & hope in the world, to lift my Spirit
and feel brighter and lighter, I hope it lifts your spirits as well. WE need each other right now, we are a world family one race, the Human race. Please let’s try and have love and compassion for our Self and reflect that out into the world as we venture
out 1 time per week for our necessities. I have faith will be venturing out more soon in the coming days with a new appreciation for everything around us. Perspective is a gift and I choose to see this as an opportunity for us to come together in gratitude
for what we do have.
I have been doing Wellness Wednesdays with quick facebook live chat about what comes through from my Angel Guides and pull an Oracle card to give some insight for the week.
Self-Care Saturdays will have a free offering of a Reiki attunement at 11 am CST it is a 30 min zoom call and all are welcome to receive this energy to help support our Spirit Mind and Body as we navigate these unknown waters.
Special thanks to Lift off Marketing and Tyrhone for his amazing talent in building the new Web site.
My new location is in Barrio Santiago, the Historico Centro of Merida. I have created a lovely studio space where I will be doing my Spirit, Mind and Body Attunement (Formally known as my Signature Session) combining Ayurvedic massage, Reiki and Marma points
Reflexology. I also have space to hold Make and Take workshops as a Doterra Wellness Advocate/retail outlet by appointment only, with Oracle card readings when we get back to our “new normal” of freedom to connect in person.
The online offerings include distance Reiki , LiViT Lifestyle lessons, Connecting with your Guides and Angels lessons and 3 options of Oracle card readings. A Clarity reading, Extended Clarity reading and a Virtual Card Reading Party which is a fun gathering
for up to 6 of your friends to connect online to celebrate many types of special occasions. I know we are at a time and time in history where meeting in person is not possible and this online Oracle Card reading virtual party will be a fun way to celebrate
a birthday, wedding or baby showers or just because you want to connect with your friends and family in a meaningful way. I look forward to being of service in the coming days. I am doing like most of us these days making lemonade out of lemons. I wish you
all health, happiness and safety for you and your loved ones as we move through this process together to hopefully a healthier, mindful future filled with love and compassion.