Welcome to
Paradise Wellness
We offer alternative wellness treatments and healthy adventures for visitors and residents of the Yucatan, including online options for LiVit LifeStyle lessons, Connect with your Angels and Guides, Soul Purpose lessons and Oracle Card readings. As a Doterra Wellness Advocate, we also offer Doterra essential oils, products and educational workshops.
About Paradise Wellness
Paradise Wellness grew from her idea of helping others after many years of serious disabling chronic illness & injuries that were not being resolved with the " Western " way.
After traveling the world, learning and, incorporating the skills and tools with her wellness success, she wanted to be of service to others that may be in the old merry-go-round in the medical system.
Her Alternative Wellness journey has been a gift to her Self and others for many years in many forms.
If you enjoy our online LiVit Lifestyle posts, check out our 1:1 lessons. They are designed to help you incorporate, step by step, a healthier lifestyle.

Contact Us
Mexico: + 52.1.984.115.1422 (+WhatsApp)
USA: +1.360.831.9201 (voice call only no text msgs please)
Our Location
Calle 72 #506A x 61 y 63, Santiago, Centro
Merida , Yucatan, Mexico
Doterra Wellness Advocate Number