oracle card readings



Oracle cards, also known as wisdom cards, have been used by people across the centuries to find meaningful answers to questions about their lives, spiritual path, and future. They are a useful tool for anyone who is a spiritual seeker.

Many people ask how oracle cards work and there are many answers to that question. Some believe that oracle cards give the user the means to better understand their own thoughts and decisions. Others believe that cards give us the ability to access the guiding spirit of the universe. Others feel that they operate by the Law of Attraction, seeing the answers of the cards as the magnetic pull of the universe.

Sharonlee uses several different decks with different themes. All of the decks are infused with the energy of divine light and love, so rest assured that they are safe, powerful, and amazingly accurate. Here are some of the cards she has found helpful:

  • The Ascended Masters Oracle Cards provide wisdom from great spiritual teachers, including Buddha, Moses, Jesus, Apollo, Yogananda, and Ganesha. Each Master has special gifts and teaching and this deck covers every religion and culture.
  • The Wisdom of Avalon Cards provides loving guidance from the King, Queen, and Merlin, together with the animal guides and the Faeries in the Kingdom of Avalon.
  • The Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards are dedicated to the spirit, power, and beauty of the goddess which exists in every woman, man, and child. The goddess brings feminine balancing energy to the world by nurturing our intuition and empathy.
  • She uses the Saints and Angels Oracle Cards to access the loving and trustworthy guidance of beloved Saints such as St Francis, St Teresa, Joan of Arc, and the Holy Spirit. Messages from these cards let you know that heaven’s help is always readily available and that you are never alone.
  • The Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards  help you swim into the ocean of your unconscious mind where profound thoughts and feelings live. These cards are guided by Mermaids – magical spiritual helpers — and dolphins, who are the Mermaids’ physical companions, playmates, and co-workers. Together they bring magical energy and remind us of the importance of playfulness.
  • The first Oracle cards she experienced were from the Messages from the Angels deck. She has always had a fondness and connection with angels as energies of divine light and love. This deck gives us messages from the angels, the Archangel, and all Guardian Angels.


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